
Swatara Watershed Association is an all-volunteer organization. There are many volunteer opportunities available throughout the year. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please contact us at [email protected]. All volunteers must complete the Volunteer Release Form, found below. Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Bordner Cabin cleanup and maintenance
  • Springtime cleanup at Swatara Watershed Park
  • Mowing at Swatara Watershed Park (May-October)
  • Riparian Buffer tree plantings
  • Swatara Sojourn on water or on land crew
  • Scout projects
  • Trash cleanups

Bordner Cabin 2021 Stewards:   Adopt-A-Cabin to monitor and spruce up for a month (sweep, pick up litter, pull weeds, clean the Plexiglas with a special solution, deter vandals and graffiti with your presence, share the history and answer questions posed by visitors) Take along a broom, dust pan, hammer and nails.  Receive a special t-shirt to wear when you are at the Cabin:

 April, Pete Silldorff
 July, Ed and Elaine Ludwig
 September, LC Conservation District.

Many of the cabin users are there Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-6 with the heaviest usage 12-4.  Adopt-a-cabin volunteers are encouraged to visit during those hours to garner support and stewardship for the cabin.