Swatara Watershed Association meets the first Wednesday monthly at 9:30AM. Locations may vary if there is a field day. All ranges of issues are discussed. Each Board member shepherds a project–the Quittapahilla Creek, Little Swatara Creek, fundraising (Food & Brew), the Swatara Sojourn, MS4, the Swatara Watershed Park, Bordner Cabin stewardship coordinator, Swatara Water Trail guardians…. We are always looking for new members to share in the fun. Our members really make a difference in the community. We love shepherding the next generation of stewards too.
- 2022 Minutes
- 2021 Minutes
- 2020 Minutes
- 2019 Minutes
- 2018 Minutes
- 2017 Minutes
- 2016 Minutes
- 2015 Minutes
- 2014 Minutes
- 2013 Minutes
- 2012 Minutes
Swatara Watershed Association is an all volunteer organization. It takes businesses, government, farmers, and citizens working together to make our communities a special place to live, work, and raise our families. Be part of the movement! Volunteer; make a donation; become a member; sponsor an event; go out to eat at a participating Food and Brew restaurant, and ask for the Swatara Special; show up and ask, “How can I help?”